English Feedback

Ways to say "Hello" in English

Learning to greet correctly is very important in any language. If you are starting your English learning, then recognizing how to greet formally and informally will be very important, as it is one of the fundamental elements of courtesy. In this way, you will be able to start a conversation with security and confidence.

Common Actions 

Next, we share with you different basic activities of daily life that are activities oriented towards taking care of one's own body such as: bathing or showering, dressing, eating or sleeping. Some others are part of your academic routine, which is why we recommend you practice your pronunciation to use them in your daily life.

Emotions in our daily life

Emotions play a central role in our lives: they inform us, mobilize us to action and allow us to act more precisely. It is important to learn to listen to them, to take them into account in our decision-making and coping styles. Now we show you examples of some emotions that we usually feel.

Irregular Verbs

These verbs are those that break the regular rule; that is to say, irregular verbs are those that to form their simple past or past participle do NOT need ED or D.
It should be noted that irregular verbs fulfill the same functions as regular verbs, that is, express states or actions, and are located within the sentence in the same position as regular ones. 

Regular Verbs

Regular verbs are the simplest to conjugate since their spelling in the simple past or past participle is the same as in the present by adding a "d" or "ed" at the end.


In this section we will share different didactic material that can be useful for your classes by integrating different activities that you can download.

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